Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Southport Hides

On the 30th May me and dad went on the motorbike to Southport to do some birding. I found two prickly cockles and a geocache, but the birdies i saw were; Whitethroat, Swifts, Skylarks, Swallows, lots of Gulls, Dunlins, Godwits, Little Grebes, Gadwalls and Shovellors. I've seen warblers before but haven't had the skills to properly identify them, so this time, i got some pictures of one and managed to ID it as a Reed Warbler. I should be ashamed that I've only just managed to tick it off, but....well i don't have a good reason. But at least that embarrassing tick is over and done with.
I also ticked off Mediterranean Gull and Avocet. I'm glad these are ticked off as well. The Avocet is a very smart bird and i love its beak, very smart.